Girl Scouts Meetings

By Carolyn Kloecker, Span 232

Moving on through the semester, thus far I have worked at 2 girl scout meetings with other volunteers from 232, as well as some organizational meetings and a few recruiting events. At the first meeting with the girls, we did some simple activities that teach the girls about the main purpose of girl scouts. This consists of the Girl Scout Promise which is: "On my honor, I will try, to serve God, and my country, to help people at all times, and to live by the Girl Scout Law" or "Por mi honor, yo trataré: De servir a Dios y a mi patria, Ayudar a las personas en todo momento, Y vivir conforme a la Ley de las Girl Scouts." First we read this promise (in Spanish and English), and then we colored pictures of the hand sign that is done with the Girl Scout promise.

At our second meeting, we worked on what the promise means. I created a small worksheet so that the girls could draw what they think it is to "serve God", "serve my country", and "help people at all times". Also, we looked at the Girl Scout Law, which describes a Girl Scout in a more in depth way, including adjectives such as 'kind', 'caring', 'friendly', 'helpful', and 'courageous'. After this activity, each of the girls created a collage using magazines to describe themselves and what they like. There is a space in the community center where we work to hang up the girls' collages :) I hope to have lots more exciting meetings with the girls!


  1. Sounds like your doing wonderful things with the Girl Scouts, Carolina. Thanks for your work!
    Have you thought about how the term "patria" might be problematic for some of the girls and community members? What "patria"? Can the US become their "patria" or is it closed off to them even though they live here and contribute to our society?
    Interesting issues to think about!!


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