UIUC Library Offers Trial Access to Great Database

At the University of Illinois we have one of the best libraries in the nation, and I'm fascinated to see how it is leading the way in the transition from traditional library usage (browsing books on the shelf) to digital usage.

This morning we received the message below, and I quickly checked out the "Latino American Experience" link. (You have to be affiliated with the University of Illinois to use it.) I will definitely use many of its resources to enrich my community-based learning courses. It can provide much-needed background information so that students can understand the broader context surrounding the Latino immigration pattern they see in Champaign-Urbana.

Here's the e-mail:

The UIUC Library has a trial for Greenwood's American Mosaic databases until November 30th. To access the modules use the link below. For product information, go to their website: http://www.greenwood.com/mosaic/

> African American Experience
American Indian Experience
> Latino American Experience

Please, send comments to me and I will collect them for further consideration of these databases.

Paula Carns. Librarian for Spanish, Italian & Portuguese and interim Librarian for Latin America & Caribbean


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