Central High School Needs Translators for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Here is a great opportunity to help in the community, practice your Spanish even more and make up any CBL hours that you need. You don't have to be working at Central High School or even in a school to be able to translate for these parents--anyone can do it!

"We are once again in need of volunteers to help with Spanish translating during parent teacher conferences. Last semester your efforts were extremely valuable.

"I’m hoping you can help me again? Our conferences are Thursday, March 19 from 5 pm till 8 pm and Friday, March 20 between 8 and noon. If you know of any one that might be interested, can you have them email me at

"I sure appreciate any help you can give me.

"Michelle Shmikler
Assistant Principal's Secretary
Central High School

Click here and read through all the information from last semester's post, including the comments. You will see specific instructions, and you will see what a great experience other students had doing this.


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