Prof. Ann Bishop Named University Scholar

Congratulations to Ann Bishop for receiving the University Scholar honor!

You can read more about her scholarship in this Inside Illinois article.

Let me list the ways that Ann's work is important for the Spanish & Illinois program:

  1. Her community informatics courses incorporate service learning.
  2. She is Head of the Civic Engagement Task Force.
  3. Students who were in both of our courses took what they learned about community informatics and made a website for the Refugee Center ( when they had none.
  4. She founded S.O.A.R.--the afterschool tutoring program at Booker T. Washington in which many of my SPAN 232 and 332 students work.
  5. She has worked closely with Ben Mueller and others on the Latino Media Initiative. Ben produces Nuevos Horizontes, a Spanish-language radio program that my students utilize to improve their listening comprehension skills.
  6. Her summer interns in Paseo Boricua in Chicago have worked under the umbrella of the Spanish & Illinois Summer Internships.

I'm very happy that Ann's work has been recognized in this way.


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