UIUC: Grad Course on Local Policy and Immigration

by Ann Abbott 

If I were a graduate student, I would take this course by Prof. Stacy Harwood.  If you're not a graduate student, look at the reading list--it can give you lots of ideas and resources for your own approaches to teaching and research about Spanish community service learning.

"UP535 / Local Policy and Immigration

Fall Semester, Wed 5 to 7:50pm, CRN: 55971 / 4 hours

Instructor: Associate Professor Stacy Harwood
Department of Urban & Regional Planning

Explores major issues confronting urban planners working in highly diverse communities that are undergoing rapid demographic, economic, social, and cultural change. Focuses specifically on planning and policy making in communities with large numbers of immigrants, particularly in cities and regions in the United States, Canada and Europe. Weather permitting we will take a field trip to either Chicago or St Louis and explore the local CU community as well. Topics: National versus local impacts of immigration, “Browning of the Midwest”: who, where and what are immigrants doing?, Impacts on urban form and function: variations in the use of work, home and neighborhood space, Ethnic enclaves: neighborhood revitalization and economic development, Local politics around living and work conditions of immigrants, Anti-immigrant legislation at the local and state level, Immigrant-friendly cities – local policies and social movements, Community participation in multicultural and transnational communities

If you are interested in this course, please tell me what you would like to learn about. While I have a set of course topics above, I am more than happy to incorporate topics/reading that fit with your interests!

Kahane, Adam. 2004. Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Waters, Mary C. 2002. Chapter 1: The Social Construction of Race and Ethnicity: Some Examples from Demography. In American Diversity: A Demographic Challenge for the Twenty-first Century, edited by Nancy A. Denton and Stewart E. Tolnay, New York: State University of New York Press.
Laguerre, Michel. 1999.  Minoritized Space: An Inquiry into the Spatial Order of Things. Introduction, Chapters 1, 6, Conclusion. Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies Press.

Changing Landscapes
Hossain, Farhana. 2007. Snapshot: Global Migration. New York Times, June 22.
Johnston, Keneth. Demographic Trends in Rural and Small Town America. Durham, New Hampshire: Carsey Institute: University of New Hampshire.
Lollock, Lisa. 2001. The Foreign-Born Population in the United States. Current Population Reports, P20-534. Washington DC: US Census Bureau.
Singer, Audrey, Susan Hardwick and Caroline Brettell. 2008. Twenty-First Century Gateways: Immigrant in Suburban America. Feature Story on the Migration Policy Institute Website, April 30

Immigration, Diversity and Planning
Fainstein, Susan. 2005. Cities and Diversity: Should We Want It? Can We Plan for It? Urban Affairs Review, 41 (1): 3-19.
Lowen, James. 2006. Chapter 4: Sundown Towns. In Poverty and Race in America: The Emerging Agendas, edited by Chester Hartman. Lanham: Lexington Books).
Thompson, Susan. 2000. Chapter 13: Diversity, Difference and the Multilayered City. In Urban Planning in a Changing World, edited by Robert Freestone, London: E & FN Spon.
Sanderock, Leonie. 2003. Planning in the Ethno-culturally Diverse City: A Comment. Planning Theory & Practice, 4 (3): 319-323.

Regulating Immigrants at the Local and State Levels
Bollens, Scott. 2006. Urban planning and peace building. Progress in Planning, 66: 67-139.
Laglagaron, Laureen, Cristia Rodriguez, Alea Silver, Sirithon Thanasombat. 2008. Regulating Immigrants at the State Level: Highlights from the Database of 2007 State Immigration Legislation and the Methodology. Washington DC: Migration Policy Institute. 
MALDEF. 2008. Tool Kit for Anti-Immigrant Ordinances. Washington DC: Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
Singer, Audrey. 2007. “The Impact of Immigration on States and Localities” Congressional Testimony of Presented Before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law. House Judiciary Committee U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC, May 17.
FILM: The Pinky Show. How to Solve Illegal Immigration - http://www.pinkyshow.org/archives/episodes/071018/

Regulating Difference via Land Use Legislation
Ameyaw, Stephen. 2000. Appreciative Planning: An Approach to Planning with Diverse Ethnic and Cultural Groups. In Urban Planning in a Multicultural Society, edited by Michael A. Burayidi. Westport: Praeger.
Burayidi, Michael A. 2003. The Multicultural City as Planners’ Enigma. Planning Theory & Practice, 4 (3): 259–273.
Harwood, Stacy Anne. 2005. Struggling to embrace difference in land-use decision making in multi-cultural communities. Planning, Practice and Research, 20 (4): 355-371.
Qadeer, M. A. 1997. Pluralistic planning for multicultural cities. Journal of the American Planning Association, 63(4), pp. 481-494 (Canada).
Roth, Benjamin J. 2008. Bajo el Mismo Techo, The Latino Community in Suburban Chicago: An Analysis of Overcrowded Housing. Chicago: Latinos United.
Valenzuela, Abel. 2003. Day labor Work. Annual Review Sociology, 29: 307-333.

Transnational Networks and Ethnic/Cultural Enclaves            
Betanur, John. 2002. The politics of gentrification. Urban Affairs, 37: 780-814.
Grey, Mark A. and Anne C. Woodrick. 2002. Unofficial Sister Cities: Meatpacking Labor Migration between Villachuato, Mexico, and Marshalltown, Iowa. Human Organization, 61 (4): 364-376.
Hall, Michal C. and Jan Rath.  2007. Chapter 1: Tourism, migration and Place Advantage in the global Cultural Economy In Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City edited by Jan Rath. New York: Routledge.
Mazumdar, Sajoy, Shampa Mazumdar, Faye Docuyanan and Colette Marie McLaughlin. 2000. Creating a Sense of Place: The Vietnamese-Americans and Little Saigon. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 20: 319-333.
Võ, Linda Trinh. 2004. Chapter 7: In Search of “Our” History and “Our” Community. In Mobilizing an Asian American Community by Linda Trinh Võ. Philadelphia: Temple University Press (San Diego).
FILM: The Sixth Section: A Documentary about Immigrants Organizing Across the Border

Considering Cultural Differences in Space and Places
Ellis, Geraint and Catharine McWhirter. 2008. Land-use Planning and Traveller-Gypsies: Towards Non-prejudicial Practice. Planning Practice and Research, 23 (1): 77-99.
Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia. 1995. Urban Form and Social Context: Cultural Differentiation in the Uses of Urban Parks. Journal of Planning Education and Research. 14: 89-102.
Mendez, Michael. 2005. Latino New Urbanism: Building on Cultural Preferences. Opolis, 1 (1): 33-48.
Yiftachel, O. 2006. Re-engaging Planning Theory: Towards ‘South-Eastern’ Perspectives. Planning Theory 5(3), pp. 211-222

Overcoming Barriers to Promote Dialogue and Collaboration
Chang, Hedy Nai-Lin, Nguyen Louis, Benjamin Murdock, Elena Pell and Ted Scott Femenella. 2000. Walking the Walk: Principles for Building Community Capacity for Equity and Diversity. Oakland: California Tomorrow.
Dovidio, John, Samuel L. Gaertner, Kerry Kawakami, Gordon Hodson. 2002. Why Can’t We Just Get Along? Interpersonal Biases and Interracial Distrust. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 8 (2): 88-102.
Lawrence, Keith, Stacey Sutton, Anne Kubisch, Gretchen Susi and Karen Fulbright-Anderson. 2004. Structural Racism and Community Building. Aspen Institute Roundtable on Community Change. Washington, D.C.: The Aspen Institute.
Thompson, Chalmer E. and Helen A. Neville. 1999. Racism, Mental Health, and Mental Health Practice. The Counseling Psychologist, 27: 155-223.

Making Space for Difference: Roles for Planners and Planning
Forester, John. 2000. Chapter 10: Multicultural Planning in Deed: Lessons from the Mediation Practice of Shirley Solomon and Larry Sherman. In Urban Planning in a Multicultural Society, edited by Michael A. Burayidi. Westport: Praeger.
Miraftab, Faranak and McConnell, Eileen Diaz. 2008. Multiculturalizing Rural Towns — Insights for Inclusive Planning. International Planning Studies, 13 (4): 343-360.
Rahder, Barbara and Richard Milgrom. 2004. The Uncertain City: Making Space(s) for Difference. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 13 (1): 27-45.
Thompson, Susan. 2003. Planning and Multiculturalism: A Reflection on Australian Local Practice. Planning Theory & Practice, 4 (3): 275–293.
Umemoto, Karen. 2001. Walking in Another’s Shoes: Epistemological Challenges in Participatory Planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 21: 17-31.

 Community Organizing and Social Movements
 McCann, E. J. 2002. Space, Citizenship, and the Right to the City: A Brief Overview. GeoJournal, 58(2-3), 77.
Holston, James. 1995. Spaces of Insurgent Citizenship. Planning Theory, 13 (summer): 35-51.
Isin, Engin F. and Myer Siemiatycki. 1999. Fate and Faith: Claiming Urban Citizenship in Immigrant Toronto. Working Paper Series, No. 8. Toronto: Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement.
New Sanctuary Movement. 2008. Sanctuary, National Newsletter of the Sanctuary Movement, Issue #1 (Jan).
Tactaquin, Catherine. 2006. Chapter 50: Voting Rights for Immigrants. In From Poverty to Social Exclusion: Lessons from Europe. Poverty and Race in American: The Emerging Agendas, edited by Chester Hartman. Lanham: Lexington Books."


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