Student Spotlight: Cassie Grimm
by Ann Abbott I just received the e-mail that every entrepreneurship educator wants to receive: a former student telling me that she's working on a start-up! Here's Cassie's message. Watch the video above and click on the website. This looks like it could take off! *Also note this: her e-mail is perfectly crafted (although either "Profesora Abbott" or "Ann" would have been better). I read this e-mail, checked my calendar, and replied, "Sure. See you on Friday in 4006 FLB." She didn't make me work. She didn't make me try to remember her. (Maybe adding a picture would have been even more helpful.) She didn't put the burden of scheduling onto me. And most importantly, she told me exactly, specifically, unequivocally what she wanted from me: permission to upload my syllabus. I already know the answer is yes, so now I will be able to spend some time with Cassie on Friday just learning more about how things are going for her and fo...