
Everything You Need to Create Your Spanish Community Service Learning Course

Spanish Community Service Learning Course: Here Is Everything You Need

by Ann Abbott Starting a Spanish community service learning course is challenging but very doable. This semester I have talked to two faculty members who are either starting or planning to start a Spanish CSL course, and I have shared everything I have with them. So I thought I'd share it with all of you, too. You might think of this post as "Spanish CSL in a box." Course description for " Spanish in the Community ." (Scroll down to SPAN 232.) Syllabus .  Course calendar . This calendar for Fall 2016 includes a visit to our Krannert Art Museum to visit a pertinent exhibit, so you would simply change the dates around a bit. In previous semesters, I will use that week to schedule a documentary, film or piece of fiction that is appropriate to the course, such as Quién es Dayani Cristal? Videos related to Spanish community service learning . These videos range in topics and voices. They include testimonials of an immigrant from Honduras, insights fro...

Student Reflection

by Mallory Pomerantz Entrada 1 Hola a todos, mi nombre es Mallory Pomerantz y esta es mi primera publicación de blog para mi proyecto. Actualmente soy un Junior en la universidad estudiando Publicidad, Ventas de Medios y Español. En el futuro, espero combinar estos intereses m í os para realizar negocios internacionales. Soy de Buffalo Grove, Illinois, y fui a Stevenson High School. De hecho, ¡he estado estudiando el idioma español desde el s é ptimo grado! A trav é s de este compromiso he tenido la oportunidad de estudiar en el extranjero en España, he sido tutor de alumnos en colegios biling ü es de mi comunidad, y tambi é n he recibido mi sello de bialfabetización. Mis partes favoritas son usar el idioma para hablar y escribir. Especialmente ahora, me han encantado algunas de las clases de cultura que he tomado y que se enfocan en las comunidades inter de nuestra sociedad y problemas del mundo real como la inmigración, la deportación o la detención. Estoy muy emocionado de aprender ...

Student Reflection

by Jamie Gervens Entrada 1 Mi nombre es Jamie Gervens y soy junior. También soy de Lake Zurich, Illinois. Me especializo en psicología de neurociencia del comportamiento y me especializo en español. También podría terminar una especialización en química. Originalmente quería ser farmacéutica psiquiátrica, pero recientemente decidí ir a la escuela para convertirme en enfermera psiquiátrica (Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner). He estado aprendiendo español desde el séptimo grado, pero técnicamente he estado aprendiendo para 8 años porque no tomé clases de español en mi segundo año de la universidad. Las clases de español que he tomado incluyen: 228, 208, 232, 307 y ahora 332. Planeo tomar 308 el próximo semestre. Disfruto aprendiendo español y creer que es genial hablar un idioma diferente. También es muy útil en la fuerza laboral, especialmente en la asistencia sanitaria. Siempre me siento bien después de poder ayudar a alguien en español.   Mi meta es volver a sentirme cómoda co...

Business Spanish Lesson Plan, Week 4

by Ann Abbott Week 4 Día 1: España y Guinea Ecuatorial I asked students to raise their hands if they had ever learned about Equatorial Guinea in any of their previous Spanish classes. No one raised their hand, as I had suspected. So we spent the entire class learning about Guinea Ecuatorial together. La geografía As a starting point, we tested our knowledge of countries and geography. Half of the class tested their knowledge of European countries with this interactive map , and the other half did the same with African countries . I gave them a few minutes to work on the map quiz then put them in breakout rooms of three people. There, they talked about what they knew, didn´t know, what they learned, and what they learned from each other (those who had worked on the other map). We came back together, they shared with all of us, and it was clear that most students have a lot to learn about geography, a common weakness in our educational system. El idioma y la cultura It was important to l...

Business Spanish Lesson Plan Week 3

by Ann Abbott SPANISH FOR BUSINESS: WEEK 3 Day 1: Lectura comercial Today we begin Chapter two of Éxito comercial: La empresa. Specifically we will tackle the Lectura comercial and do some related activities. Before coming to class, students were to read that section of the ebook and take the quiz on MindTap. In class, we did the following:  Conversación I try to always give my students time to ¨warm up¨ at the beginning of class by talking to each other in Spanish. I put them in pairs in Zoom breakout rooms and told them they could talk about anything, in Spanish. Sociedad anónima, S.A. Reading about all the different forms of businesses can be very confusing, both in English and Spanish. I really only want students to walk away with a couple of concepts from this chapter. One is that S.A. at the end of a business´ name is the same as Inc. I showed them my husband´s company and explained that its official name is ISS, Inc. I also told them about my dad's business, Abbott Tank Com...