Facebook in Spanish

by Ann Abbott

I use Exito comercial in my Business Spanish class, and so far we've talked about global business, business structures and management. Next week we'll cover banking and accounting. By using the accompanying workbook, students are working on how they express themselves in written Spanish in a professional context. It isn't easy!

These are all essential topics and tasks in business, but I want my students to finish this course being able to do something specific, having a hard skill under their belts and on their resume. So this is the learning goal I have established for this semester:

Students will finish the course with the necessary skills to create a social media marketing plan and implement it.

So after the next chapter in our textbook, I will be giving my students lessons on social media and business. I'll post more about that in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, I think you might find the video above entertaining. Did you know all those Facebook terms in Spanish? Why not add a little Spanish to your every-day (every-hour?) Facebook experience by switching it to Spanish? Go to "Settings," "Account Settings" and "Language."


  1. I love the YouTube ad for Faceboom--and it's fun to see vos used (so rare in our teaching materials).


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