
Showing posts from September, 2018

Undoing the Shaming that Doctors Sometimes Heap upon Latina Mothers and Their Children

Photo by  Kylo  on  Unsplash by Ann Abbott I am an administrator for a private Facebook group for Latino immigrants in our town. I don't post too often anymore; the bulk of the messages come from one of the great Latina leaders who informs, educations and inspires all the people in this Facebook group and beyond. However, I was talking to a mother the other day who is Mexican, and I had to share the story with the group. I told the story and provided a resource to learn more about the topic.  El otro día una madre me contó que ella y su esposo habían llevado a sus dos hijos al médico para su chequeo. La doctora les dijo que la niña, de unos diez años, estaba de sobrepeso de 14 libras. Y lo dijo delante de la niña. Me enfadé muchísimo. Es una niña preciosa. Es alta y es obvio que su cuerpo y su peso va a cambiar mientras vaya creciendo y cuando entre en la pubertad. Pero ahora esas palabras del doctor van a retumbar en su mente para siempre. A saber qué ...

Supporting Students' Critical Reflection during Study Abroad

by Ann Abbott This week I will give a very brief talk at a meeting of all students who will be studying abroad next semester. Study abroad students all take an online, one credit hour course that engages them in critical reflection before, during and after their study-abroad experience. I am one of the facilitators for that course, and I love it. I enjoy reading their posts. I like learning about places that I have never been. It's wonderful to be reminded of places that I have visited and sometimes know very well. It's gratifying to see how they grow and change. Here are the slides that I will use during the presentation. Afterward, Assistant Dean Nicole Lamers, one of the people behind the creation of this online course, will explain the logistics of the course. LAS 291/292 by AnnAbbott PLAN . Students make plans and pack their bags for their trip abroad. But the pre-departure part of the online course urges students to map their plans for their future--their s...