Spanish Community Service Learning Bibliography
by Ann Abbott
As a service to all who are doing research in Spanish community service learning (CSL) and to those who would like to read the bibliography in order to start a course or program, I thought it would be a nice idea to keep an updated bibliography on this blog. Whenever you see a new article, book or textbook on Spanish CSL or foreign-language CSL in general, please leave me a comment or e-mail me at, and I will update this bibliography.
Abbott, Annie. "Putting Students to Work: Spanish Community Service Learning as a Countervailing Force." Building Infrastructures for Latino Mental Health. Eds., Lissette Piedra and Lydia Buki. Springer. 2011.
Abbott, Annie. "Social Entrepreneurship and Community Service Learning: Building Sustainable Non-profits and Language Programs." Specialised Languages in the Global Village. Eds., Carmen Perez-Llantada and Maida Watson. Cambridge Scholars. 2011.
Abbott, Annie and Darcy Lear. "The Connections Goal Area in Spanish Community Service-Learning: Possibilities and Limitations." Foreign Language Annals 43 (2010): 231-45.
Abbott, Annie and Darcy Lear. “Matching Student Presentations to the Nature of Service Learning Work.” Quick Hits for Service-Learning: Successful Strategies from Award Winning Educators. Indiana UP, 2010. 80-81.
Abbott, Annie and Darcy Lear. "Marketing Business Languages: Teaching Students to Value and Promote their Coursework." Global Business Languages 15 (2010).
Barreneche, G. I. & Ramos-Flores, H. (2013). Integrated or isolated experiences? Considering the role of service-learning in the Spanish language curriculum. Hispania, 96(2), 215-228.
Beebe, Rose Marie and Elena M. DeCosta. “Teaching Beyond the University: The Santa Clara University Eastside Project: Community Service and the Spanish Classroom.” Hispania 76 (1993): 884-91.
Bloom, M. (2008). From the classroom to the community: Building cultural awareness in first semester Spanish. Language, Culture & Curriculum, 21(2), 103-119.Barreneche, Gabriel Ignacio. "Language Learners as Teachers: Integrating Service-learning and the Advanced Language Course." Hispania 94.1 (2011): 103-120.
Caldwell, Wendy. “Taking Spanish Outside the Box: A Model for Integrating Service Learning Into Foreign Language Study.” Foreign Language Annals 40 (2007): 463-69.Carney, T. M. (2013). How service-learning in Spanish speaks to the crisis in the humanities. Hispania, 96(2), 229-237.
Carracelas-Juncal, C. (2013). When service-learning is not a "border-crossing" experience: Outcomes of a graduate Spanish online course. Hispania, 96(2), 295-309.
Colomer, Soria Elizabeth and Linda Harklau. "Spanish Teachers as Impromptu Translators and Liaisons in New Latino Communities." Foreign Language Annals 42 (2009): 658-72.
Daniels, Mary B. & Elizabeth Dahms. "A Case Study of Community-Based Learning: Centre College in Danville, Kentucky." ADFL Bulletin 39.2&3 (2008): 61-5.
Darias, Teresa, et al. ”Community Video: Empowerment through University and Community Interaction.” Construyendo puentes (Building Bridges): Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Spanish. Eds. Josef Hellebrandt and Lucia T. Varona. AAHE’s Ser. on Service-learning in the Disciplines 13. Washington, DC: American Association for Higher Education, 1999. 149-69.
d'Arlach, Lucía, Bernadette Sánchez and Rachel Feuer. "Voices from the Community: A Case for Reciprocity in Service-Learning." Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 16 (2009): 5-16.
Díaz-Barriga, Miguel. “Spanish in the Social Sciences: Notes on the Challenges of Service- Learning among Mexican Migrants in Pennsylvania .” Juntos: Community Partnerships in Spanish and Portuguese. Eds. Josef Hellebrandt, et al. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Professional Development Ser. Handbook Volume 5. Boston, MA: Thomson Heinle, 2003. 154-61.
Elorriaga, Margarita. “College Students as Tutors: Learning from the Latino Community ofAdams County .” Hispania 90 (2007): 533-42.
Gascoigne Lally, Carolyn. "Service/Community Learning and Foreign Language Teaching Methods: An Application." Active Learning in Higher Education 2 (2001): 53-63.
Guillén, Felisa and Jessia Galves. "Finding Meaning Requires Collaboration: Translations for Language Enrichment & Community Engagment." Public. 2.1
Hellebrandt, Josef. Introduction. Juntos: Community Partnerships in Spanish and Portuguese. Eds. Josef Hellebrandt, et al. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Professional Development Ser. Handbook Volume 5. Boston, MA: Thomson Heinle, 2003. vii-ix.
Hellebrandt, Josef. “Spanish Service-Learning Research from 1999-2003: Effects on Faculty, Department, Community, and Discipline.” Hispania 89 (2006): 919-26.
Jorge, Ethel. (2011). Assessing the value of a community-based approach to language and cultural learning: A longitudinal study. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 11, 22-52.
Jorge, Ethel. “Dialogue and Power: Collaborative Language Curriculum Development.” Juntos: Community Partnerships in Spanish and Portuguese. Eds. Josef Hellebrandt, et al. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Professional Development Ser. Handbook Volume 5. Boston, MA: Thomson Heinle, 2003. 17-28.
Jorge, Ethel. “Outcomes for Community Partners in an Unmediated Service-Learning Program.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 10 (2003): 28-38.
Jorge, Ethel. "Where's the Community?" Hispania, 93.1 (2010): 135-138.
Julseth, David C. (2003). “The Hispanic Achievers Program: An Interdisciplinary Model for Service Learning.” Juntos: Community Partnerships in Spanish and Portuguese. Eds. Josef Hellebrandt, et al. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Professional Development Ser. Handbook Volume 5. Boston, MA: Thomson Heinle, 2003. 140-153.
King de Ramírez, C. (2015). Strategy and action: Assessing student-led culture workshops within th eprofessions. Foreign Language Annals, 48(1), 56-67.
Lear, Darcy and Annie Abbott. “Foreign Language Professional Standards and CSL: Achieving the 5 C’s.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 14 (2008): 76-8.
---. "Aligning Expectations for Mutually Beneficial Community Service-Learning: The Case of Spanish Language Proficiency, Cultural Knowledge, and Professional Skills." Hispania 92.2 (2009): 312-323.
Lear, D. W. & Sánchez, A. (2013). Sustained engagement with a single community partner. Hispania, 96(2), 238-251.
Leeman, Jennifer, Lisa Rabin, and Esperanza Román-Mendoza. "Critical Pedagogy Beyond the Classroom Walls: Community Service-learning and Spanish Heritage Language Education." Heritage Language Journal 8.3 (2011).
Llombart-Hesca, Amalia & Alejandra Pulido. "Who Needs Linguistics? Service-Learning and Linguistics for Spanish Heritage Language Learners." Hispania 100.3 (2017): 348-60.
Long, D. R. (2003) Spanish in the community: Students reflect on Hispanic culture in the United States. Foreign Language Annals, 36(2), 223–232.
Long, Donna Reseigh & Janice Lynn Macián. "Preparing Spanish Majors for Volunteer Service: Training and Simulations in an Experiential Course." Hispania 91.1 (2008): 167-75.
Medina, A. & Gordon, L. (2014). Service learning, phonetic perception, and learning motivation: A qualitative study. Foreign Language Annals, 47(2), 357-371.
Mollica, Anthony, Frank Nuessel and Aristofanes Cedeño. "Current Trends and Issues in Service Learning in the Spanish Curriculum." Mosaic, 8(2004): 10-1.
Morris, Frank A. 2001a. "Enhancing motivation and promoting positive attitudes toward second language learning through community experience." In: Pedagogy of Language Learning in Higher Education: An Introduction, Gerd Bräuer (ed), 47-60. Westport, Connecticut: Ablex.
Morris, Frank A. 2001a. "Enhancing motivation and promoting positive attitudes toward second language learning through community experience." In: Pedagogy of Language Learning in Higher Education: An Introduction, Gerd Bräuer (ed), 47-60. Westport, Connecticut: Ablex.
Morris, Frank A. 2001. Serving the Community and Learning a Foreign Language: Evaluating a Service Learning Program. In: Language, Culture and Curriculum, 14, 244-255.
Nelson, Ardis L. & Jessica L. Scott. "Applied Spanish in the University Curriculum: A Successful Model for Community-Based Service Learning." Hispania 91 (2008): 446-60.
Pellettieri, Jill. "Measuring Language-related Outcomes of Community-based Learning in Intermediate Spanish Courses." Hispania 94.2 (2011): 285-302.
Polansky, Susan G. et al. "Tales of Tutors: The Role of Narrative in Language Learning and Service-Learning." Foreign Language Annals 43 (2010): 304-23.
Rabin, Lisa M. "Community Service and Activism in Heritage Languages, New York City, 1915-1956." Foreign Language Annals 44.2 (2011): 338-52.
---. "Language Ideologies and the Settlement House Movement: A New History for Service-Learning." Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 15.2 (2009): 48-55.
---. "Literacy Narratives for Social Change: Making Connections between Service Learning and Literature Education." Enculturation 6.1 (2008):
---. "Service-Learning /Aprendizaje -servicio as a Global Practice in Spanish." In: The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics, Manel Lacorte (ed), 168-83. NY: Routledge.
Sánchez-López, L. (2013). Service-learning course design for languages for spe ific purposes programs. Hispania, 96(2), 383-396.
Sanders, Robert F. “Community Based Learning in Rural Guatemala.” Hispania 88 (2005): 182- 89.
Schwartz, Marcy. "Public Stakes, Public Stories: Service Learning in Literary Studies." PMLA 127.4 (2012): 987-93.
Tacelosky, Kathleen. "Service-Learning as a Way to Authentic Dialogue." Hispania 91 (2008): 877-86.
Tilley-Lubbs, Gresilda A. "Good Intentions Pave the Way to Hierarchy: A Retrospective Authoethnographic Approach." Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 16.1 (2009): 59-68.
Tocaimaza-Hatch, C. Cecilia and Laura C. Walls. "Service-Learning as a Means of Vocabulary Learning for Second Language and Heritage Language Learners of Spanish." Hispania 99.4 (2016): 650-65.
Varona, Lucía T. and María V. Bauluz. “When Everyday Life Becomes the Focus of Attention in Intermediate Spanish Courses.” Juntos: Community Partnerships in Spanish and Portuguese. Eds. Josef Hellebrandt, et al. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Professional Development Ser. Handbook Volume 5. Boston, MA: Thomson Heinle, 2003. 69-82
Varona, Lucía T. 1999. La comunidad en el aula y el aula en la comunidad: Un modelo. In: Hispania, 82, 8
Weldon, Alice and Gretchen Trautmann. "Spanish and Service-Learning: Pedagogy and Praxis." Hispania 86 (2003): 574-83.
Westrick, J. (2004) The influence of service-learning on intercultural sensitivity: A quantitative study. Journal of Research in International Education, 3(2), 277–299.
Zapata, Gabriela. "The Effects of Community Service Learning Projects on L2 Learners' Cultural Understanding." Hispania 94.1 (2011): 86-102.
Cubillos, Jorge H. and Edwin M. Lamboy. Temas: Spanish for the Global Community. Boston: Thomson Heinle, 2007.
McGinniss Kennedy, Cecilia and Ksenia Bonch Reeves. Sitios: A community-Inspired Approach to Spanish. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 2012.
Nichols, Pennie A., Jane A. Johnson, Lynne R. Lemley and Lucía Osa-Melero. En comunidad: Comunicación y conexión. NY: McGraw-Hill, 2009.
As a service to all who are doing research in Spanish community service learning (CSL) and to those who would like to read the bibliography in order to start a course or program, I thought it would be a nice idea to keep an updated bibliography on this blog. Whenever you see a new article, book or textbook on Spanish CSL or foreign-language CSL in general, please leave me a comment or e-mail me at, and I will update this bibliography.
Abbott, Annie. "Putting Students to Work: Spanish Community Service Learning as a Countervailing Force." Building Infrastructures for Latino Mental Health. Eds., Lissette Piedra and Lydia Buki. Springer. 2011.
Abbott, Annie. "Social Entrepreneurship and Community Service Learning: Building Sustainable Non-profits and Language Programs." Specialised Languages in the Global Village. Eds., Carmen Perez-Llantada and Maida Watson. Cambridge Scholars. 2011.
Abbott, Annie and Darcy Lear. "The Connections Goal Area in Spanish Community Service-Learning: Possibilities and Limitations." Foreign Language Annals 43 (2010): 231-45.
Abbott, Annie and Darcy Lear. “Matching Student Presentations to the Nature of Service Learning Work.” Quick Hits for Service-Learning: Successful Strategies from Award Winning Educators. Indiana UP, 2010. 80-81.
Abbott, Annie and Darcy Lear. "Marketing Business Languages: Teaching Students to Value and Promote their Coursework." Global Business Languages 15 (2010).
Barreneche, G. I. & Ramos-Flores, H. (2013). Integrated or isolated experiences? Considering the role of service-learning in the Spanish language curriculum. Hispania, 96(2), 215-228.
Beebe, Rose Marie and Elena M. DeCosta. “Teaching Beyond the University: The Santa Clara
Bloom, M. (2008). From the classroom to the community: Building cultural awareness in first semester Spanish. Language, Culture & Curriculum, 21(2), 103-119.Barreneche, Gabriel Ignacio. "Language Learners as Teachers: Integrating Service-learning and the Advanced Language Course." Hispania 94.1 (2011): 103-120.
Caldwell, Wendy. “Taking Spanish Outside the Box: A Model for Integrating Service Learning
Carracelas-Juncal, C. (2013). When service-learning is not a "border-crossing" experience: Outcomes of a graduate Spanish online course. Hispania, 96(2), 295-309.
Colomer, Soria Elizabeth and Linda Harklau. "Spanish Teachers as Impromptu Translators and Liaisons in New Latino Communities." Foreign Language Annals 42 (2009): 658-72.
Daniels, Mary B. & Elizabeth Dahms. "A Case Study of Community-Based Learning: Centre College in Danville, Kentucky." ADFL Bulletin 39.2&3 (2008): 61-5.
Darias, Teresa, et al. ”Community Video: Empowerment through University and Community Interaction.” Construyendo puentes (Building Bridges): Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Spanish. Eds. Josef Hellebrandt and Lucia T. Varona. AAHE’s Ser. on Service-learning in the Disciplines 13. Washington, DC: American Association for Higher Education, 1999. 149-69.
d'Arlach, Lucía, Bernadette Sánchez and Rachel Feuer. "Voices from the Community: A Case for Reciprocity in Service-Learning." Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 16 (2009): 5-16.
Díaz-Barriga, Miguel. “Spanish in the Social Sciences: Notes on the Challenges of Service-
Elorriaga, Margarita. “College Students as Tutors: Learning from the Latino Community of
Gascoigne Lally, Carolyn. "Service/Community Learning and Foreign Language Teaching Methods: An Application." Active Learning in Higher Education 2 (2001): 53-63.
Guillén, Felisa and Jessia Galves. "Finding Meaning Requires Collaboration: Translations for Language Enrichment & Community Engagment." Public. 2.1
Hellebrandt, Josef. Introduction. Juntos: Community Partnerships in Spanish and Portuguese.
Hellebrandt, Josef. “Spanish Service-Learning Research from 1999-2003: Effects on Faculty,
Jorge, Ethel. (2011). Assessing the value of a community-based approach to language and cultural learning: A longitudinal study. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 11, 22-52.
Jorge, Ethel. “Dialogue and Power: Collaborative Language Curriculum Development.” Juntos:
Jorge, Ethel. “Outcomes for Community Partners in an Unmediated Service-Learning Program.”
Jorge, Ethel. "Where's the Community?" Hispania, 93.1 (2010): 135-138.
Julseth, David C. (2003). “The Hispanic Achievers Program: An Interdisciplinary Model for
King de Ramírez, C. (2015). Strategy and action: Assessing student-led culture workshops within th eprofessions. Foreign Language Annals, 48(1), 56-67.
Lear, Darcy and Annie Abbott. “Foreign Language Professional Standards and CSL: Achieving
---. "Aligning Expectations for Mutually Beneficial Community Service-Learning: The Case of Spanish Language Proficiency, Cultural Knowledge, and Professional Skills." Hispania 92.2 (2009): 312-323.
Lear, D. W. & Sánchez, A. (2013). Sustained engagement with a single community partner. Hispania, 96(2), 238-251.
Leeman, Jennifer, Lisa Rabin, and Esperanza Román-Mendoza. "Critical Pedagogy Beyond the Classroom Walls: Community Service-learning and Spanish Heritage Language Education." Heritage Language Journal 8.3 (2011).
Llombart-Hesca, Amalia & Alejandra Pulido. "Who Needs Linguistics? Service-Learning and Linguistics for Spanish Heritage Language Learners." Hispania 100.3 (2017): 348-60.
Long, D. R. (2003) Spanish in the community: Students reflect on Hispanic culture in the United States. Foreign Language Annals, 36(2), 223–232.
Long, Donna Reseigh & Janice Lynn Macián. "Preparing Spanish Majors for Volunteer Service: Training and Simulations in an Experiential Course." Hispania 91.1 (2008): 167-75.
Medina, A. & Gordon, L. (2014). Service learning, phonetic perception, and learning motivation: A qualitative study. Foreign Language Annals, 47(2), 357-371.
Mollica, Anthony, Frank Nuessel and Aristofanes Cedeño. "Current Trends and Issues in Service Learning in the Spanish Curriculum." Mosaic, 8(2004): 10-1.
Morris, Frank A. 2001a. "Enhancing motivation and promoting positive attitudes toward second language learning through community experience." In: Pedagogy of Language Learning in Higher Education: An Introduction, Gerd Bräuer (ed), 47-60. Westport, Connecticut: Ablex.
Morris, Frank A. 2001a. "Enhancing motivation and promoting positive attitudes toward second language learning through community experience." In: Pedagogy of Language Learning in Higher Education: An Introduction, Gerd Bräuer (ed), 47-60. Westport, Connecticut: Ablex.
Morris, Frank A. 2001. Serving the Community and Learning a Foreign Language: Evaluating a Service Learning Program. In: Language, Culture and Curriculum, 14, 244-255.
Nelson, Ardis L. & Jessica L. Scott. "Applied Spanish in the University Curriculum: A Successful Model for Community-Based Service Learning." Hispania 91 (2008): 446-60.
Pellettieri, Jill. "Measuring Language-related Outcomes of Community-based Learning in Intermediate Spanish Courses." Hispania 94.2 (2011): 285-302.
Polansky, Susan G. et al. "Tales of Tutors: The Role of Narrative in Language Learning and Service-Learning." Foreign Language Annals 43 (2010): 304-23.
Rabin, Lisa M. "Community Service and Activism in Heritage Languages, New York City, 1915-1956." Foreign Language Annals 44.2 (2011): 338-52.
---. "Language Ideologies and the Settlement House Movement: A New History for Service-Learning." Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 15.2 (2009): 48-55.
---. "Literacy Narratives for Social Change: Making Connections between Service Learning and Literature Education." Enculturation 6.1 (2008):
---. "Service-Learning /Aprendizaje -servicio as a Global Practice in Spanish." In: The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics, Manel Lacorte (ed), 168-83. NY: Routledge.
Sánchez-López, L. (2013). Service-learning course design for languages for spe ific purposes programs. Hispania, 96(2), 383-396.
Sanders, Robert F. “Community Based Learning in Rural Guatemala.” Hispania 88 (2005): 182-
Schwartz, Marcy. "Public Stakes, Public Stories: Service Learning in Literary Studies." PMLA 127.4 (2012): 987-93.
Tacelosky, Kathleen. "Service-Learning as a Way to Authentic Dialogue." Hispania 91 (2008): 877-86.
Tilley-Lubbs, Gresilda A. "Good Intentions Pave the Way to Hierarchy: A Retrospective Authoethnographic Approach." Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 16.1 (2009): 59-68.
Tocaimaza-Hatch, C. Cecilia and Laura C. Walls. "Service-Learning as a Means of Vocabulary Learning for Second Language and Heritage Language Learners of Spanish." Hispania 99.4 (2016): 650-65.
Varona, Lucía T. and María V. Bauluz. “When Everyday Life Becomes the Focus of Attention in Intermediate Spanish Courses.” Juntos: Community Partnerships in Spanish and Portuguese. Eds. Josef Hellebrandt, et al. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Professional Development Ser. Handbook Volume 5. Boston, MA: Thomson Heinle, 2003. 69-82
Varona, Lucía T. 1999. La comunidad en el aula y el aula en la comunidad: Un modelo. In: Hispania, 82, 8
Weldon, Alice and Gretchen Trautmann. "Spanish and Service-Learning: Pedagogy and Praxis." Hispania 86 (2003): 574-83.
Westrick, J. (2004) The influence of service-learning on intercultural sensitivity: A quantitative study. Journal of Research in International Education, 3(2), 277–299.
Zapata, Gabriela. "The Effects of Community Service Learning Projects on L2 Learners' Cultural Understanding." Hispania 94.1 (2011): 86-102.
Thompson, Gregory. Intersection of Service and Learning. Research and Practice in the Second Language Classroom. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2012.
Abbott, Annie. Comunidades: más allá del aula. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2010.
Cubillos, Jorge H. and Edwin M. Lamboy. Temas: Spanish for the Global Community. Boston: Thomson Heinle, 2007.
McGinniss Kennedy, Cecilia and Ksenia Bonch Reeves. Sitios: A community-Inspired Approach to Spanish. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 2012.
Nichols, Pennie A., Jane A. Johnson, Lynne R. Lemley and Lucía Osa-Melero. En comunidad: Comunicación y conexión. NY: McGraw-Hill, 2009.
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