Using Existing Capacities within Nonprofits to Generate Income
by Ann Abbott In today's "Spanish & Entrepreneurship" class, I focused on using a nonprofit organization's existing capacities to generate income. We started with some examples: Homegirl Cafe has built a job-training program around working in and running a food service business. So, they run a food service business and make money off the sales of their food and drinks . It's what they do, and do very well, every day. The Refugee Center is built around the variety of services that their multilingual staff offers. For their clients, they translate and act as interpreters for free or a nominal fee. For lawyers, hospitals, schools and businesses, they can provide the same services but at a higher cost. has an online system for matching nonprofits that need volunteers with volunteers looking for nonprofits to work in. That exact same system can be used by for-profit companies, but for a fee . Students then analyzed the gifts that Ra...