Student Reflection

by Andrew Kraus

I’ve been spending about four days a week assisting as an ESL tutor. It has been a challenge to give up that much of my time, but it is definitely worth it. I’m spending a large part of my time teaching an individual student, Antonio, and I’m also helping create lesson plans for the whole class.

Antonio is a very eager student. He speaks and understands English very well, and still impresses me with how quickly he learns. His writing and reading skills are somewhat underdeveloped, though, so we’re going to be spending more time on those. I assigned him a story and a 100 word paper as an assignment before our next meeting.

Antonio is also looking for employment right now, so I’ve made it my personal mission to help him get a job. I helped him craft a cover letter, and soon we’ll be discussing how to make resumes. I’m happy that Antonio is doing so well with English, and if I can help him get a job that would be icing on the cake.

I’m in charge of designing one of the lessons for next week. The theme of the week is money, so I have to create a dialogue about money, as well as a list of the necessary vocabulary. We’ll probably also be discussing present progressive verbs. I hope it goes well!


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